I can’t share Spotify on Instagram: Everything you need to know {update 2023}

With more than 1,000 million users, Instagram is one of the most popular social networks of the moment . His latest updates, such as Instagram Music , seem to elucidate that stories are the focus of the company’s attention now in the hands of Mark Zuckerberg .

Not so long ago, the function also allows songs to be shared directly from Spotify , the multiplatform for streaming content. If you are a fan of both apps, here we will tell you how to publish songs in a practical way so that your other friends listen to your favorite music.

How to Share Spotify Songs on Instagram Step by Step

Before explaining what you should do to share Spotify Instagram , you should first know that the songs will not be played directly on the social network , but that users will see a screenshot-style cover where, when they click, they can access directly to the music service to listen.

With this in mind, you just have to follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Launch Spotify on your device and find the song you want to post . Once you have located it, click on the 3 lateral points that you find to the right of the name of the song.
  2. When the menu is launched, you will see the Share option and the app will take you to a more specific menu where you will have to select the broadcast medium. Among all the available ones, click on Instagram Stories.
  3. Immediately the social network will open on your device in the stories section. Proceed, if you wish, to edit the entry as you do with a conventional image . You can add text, stickers, and more.
  4. Finally, you just have to publish the story and your followers will be able to see what music you are listening to on Spotify. As we have already said, clicking on the Play on Spotify section will directly access the playback medium to listen to the song you have shared.

It is important to note that the image that is published includes the name of the album to which the song belongs, its title and the artist.

This feature is available on both Android and iOS and your followers need to have a Spotify account so they can listen to the song. At the moment, it is not possible to share the image with the music playing in the background .

Like conventional Stories, this one lasts for 24 hours before being automatically deleted.

I can’t share Spotify on Instagram: why?

If after following the steps above you are still unable to share Spotify on Instagram , you can do some actions to remedy it:

  • Keep in mind that functions of this type are consolidated with each update, which is why we suggest you delete the two apps and reinstall them from Google Play or the App Store . If the error persists, it is most likely due to an incompatibility with your operating system .
  • If your Android or iOS operating system is very old, tool updates will not be available. You can try to  update your Android mobile .
  • Recently, iPhones with iOS 13 presented an error at the time of having the function through the message “It is not possible to share to Instagram Stories. Please try again later ” .
  • Although this problem has already been solved, there are still reports from users who continue to present this problem. Either way, it is most likely a temporary error .
  • Another possible cause is that the feature is not available in your country . To do this, try using a mobile VPN and repeating the steps above.

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