Why can’t I put music on Instagram Stories? Guide 2022

Why can’t I put music on Instagram ? Without a doubt, this is one of the most frequent questions among users of the social network. And it is that the Music function, originally launched at the end of 2018, fails when adding music to Instagram stories.

If you have experienced problems, you may wonder why you can’t put music on your Instagram stories.  Today in Techtaks, we explain all the possible causes and solutions as of 2022 to enjoy the best songs in your stories.

In its day, we already told you how to put music on Instagram 2022. But today it is the turn to focus on the most typical errors of the Music extension and how to act before each of them.

Are you sick of Instagram not letting you put music on? Stay with us and solve it in a moment.

Why can’t I put music on my Instagram stories?

Don’t you get music on Instagram? Believe it or not, it is a more common problem than you think. Therefore, we have prepared this guide.

There are several reasons why you can’t put music on Instagram Stories. Fortunately, you will find a solution in most cases:

  • The first cause is not having the app updated and that the function is not incorporated. This error is very common.
  • Generally, the error is not found on your mobile device . Unless this has a very outdated version of Android or iOS (incompatible with the new updates), you should not worry at all.
  • Other possible causes are the configuration of the tool in your region (it is a recently incorporated function), connection errors and incompatibility with some songs or artists in your country . The latter is usually the cause of this problem when trying to share Spotify music in your stories .

Instagram music is not available in your region – use a VPN

Until recently, Instagram Music was not available in Latin American and Asian countries. In fact, if you’re on the road, you might see the error message over and over again. It’s a bummer, but it has an easy solution.

Getting ahead of the platform launches is always possible by installing a VPN on your mobile, which bypasses local restrictions. You have several options, although we recommend the following:

  • Hello VPN: for years it has been one of the most popular for its ease of use and effectiveness. Although it has a paid app, its free version is enough to enjoy the social network function.
  • Private Tunnel: with its help you will access more than 50 VPN servers from 23 different regions (distributed in 12 countries). The data encryption is 100% guaranteed and its interface is very simple. The free version is 7 days. After that, you will have to purchase a subscription.
  • CyberGhost VPN : it can be installed simultaneously on up to 7 devices , with a multitude of countries to choose from to hide your IP. Select the regions where updates are initially released. This way you will have the security of receiving without restrictions the new incorporations of artists on the server.
  • Ultra VPN : one of the best of this 2021, with many options for your device.
  • Tunnel Bear – Lastly, this VPN has grown in popularity in recent years . Its interface is very playful and you can choose between several countries on the list to pretend that you are accessing Instagram from there.

In case you don’t want to be left behind, use one of these apps while the artists and songs are published on the server in your region.

Instagram won’t let me put music: solutions to add songs to your stories

Although some problems are unsolvable, in most cases you will only need to make a few adjustments. To enjoy the new Instagram function,  you just have to apply one of these steps.

Update the app to its latest version

As we have commented, the first thing is to update your version of Instagram.

Do it directly from the App Store or Google Play, not from third-party pages. You have the option to activate the automatic update in the “Settings” section of the application stores. So you won’t have to do it manually.

Please note that some versions of this app are released weeks later for older operating systems. And that the updates for those who are out of date do not get to publish in the stores.

Try a less recent song

Again, it will depend on the country. And it is that the availability of the songs and artists is published progressively according to the popularity or reception it will have in the region.

That is why it is likely that you see a story of your friend from the United States with the latest news and that it does not appear to you. This is due to the temporary incompatibility of your region . In these cases, you can just wait for it to be released in your country or try another song.

Uninstall and install the app again

Although it is rare, you may download the new version of the app on your device but it may not be installed .

If after updating it from the store you still do not get the music on Instagram, uninstall the application and reinstall it. In this way, you make sure that the software is the one you downloaded from Google Play or the App Store.

Again we warn you: do not download Instagram or any other app from third party pages . The chances of it being pirated software with malware are very high. Better to avoid inconvenience.

Check your WiFi or data connection    

It is a somewhat obvious solution, but it helps to discover if the problem is only with the connection . Without a permanent connection, this function cannot be accessed.

Confirm it by restarting your mobile or the router and looking for your favorite artist or song in the app.

Clear the cache and memory of the app

As with computers, the cache may be interrupting the display of the latest content. Although sometimes it is very useful, in others (like this one) it can be a headache when having new functionalities.

There are several ways to do it, but the most effective and that leaves the app as just installed is the following:

  1. Go to “Settings” or “Settings”.
  2. Find the “Applications” section .
  3. Locate Instagram and click on “Storage” .
  4. Then select “Clear cache” and “Clear data 

This will restart the app again. Just log in and see if you already access the tool. This process does not delete any information from your account , only the access data stored on the mobile.

Sometimes it’s not your fault

This is not exactly a solution. But you should know that, occasionally, both Instagram and other social networks do random tests in specific countries . If the reception is good, they apply them to others.

Surely on more than one occasion you have seen that some regions serve as a pilot test for a tool, but in the end it is never included in all countries. So the only thing you can do is wait .

An extra tip: the more up to date your operating system is, the sooner you will have the news available. If your phone has a somewhat outdated version of Android or iOS, it is best to update it or buy a new device.

Why can’t I put music on Instagram in my business account?

We will also not be able to put music on Instagram Stories when we have a business account . And it is that the platform does not allow adding commercial music to promote products and services. The reason is that it involves financially rewarding the author of the song, which television advertising companies do.

For this reason, Instagram only allows the use of royalty-free songs on business accounts. If you try to upload a commercial song, a message will appear informing you of changes in access to the music library.

In these cases, assess whether you are really interested in having a business profile based on whether you sell products or not. Because if you don’t want to sell anything and you want to enjoy the music in the stories, the solution is to change the type of account . You have three options:

  • Change the business account to personal . To do this, access your profile and then in Settings> Account> Switch to personal account . You will enjoy all the songs from Instagram Music.
  • Switch to creator profile . Follow the steps above and select the option Change to creator profile  within  Account . This also unlocks most of the music and according to users it is the solution that works the best.
  • Change the category to Community or Personal Blog . Go to your profile and click Edit> Category> Community or Personal Blog . By opting for the latter, you will also have to change the category in your associated Facebook account.

In all cases, you must wait 3-6 days after the change before using the music on Instagram Stories. If after this time the Music sticker still does not appear, contact the Instagram customer service.

If your music doesn’t come out on Instagram, use the Storybeat app

Have you tried all the above solutions and still can’t use Instagram Music? Or can’t you wait until the account change takes effect? Don’t worry, because there are apps to make stories on Instagram that allow you to add music . One of the most popular is Storybeat , available on both Google Play and the App Store .

And how does Storybeat work? As easy as creating the story in your app and then sharing it on Instagram. These are the steps to follow:

  1. Open Storybeat and choose a photo or video from your mobile gallery.
  2. Add the song . Look for it directly in the upper box or choose one of the lists shown.
  3. Customize your story with stickers, text or other elements if you want.
  4. Lastly, export the story. Click on Share (the red button that you will see in the lower right part of the screen) and select Instagram Stories. And now you have it!

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